Dr. Ralf Vorberg

Ralf Vorberg has more than 25 years of experience in:

  • national and international nature conservation
  • fisheries in coastal areas
  • fish protection
  • monitoring
  • environmental impact assessment
  • hydroacustic and optical remote sensing methods
  • habitat mapping
  • MSC certification
  • project planning
  • project management

Projects and References


Research project to minimize fish bycatch in brown shrimp fishery

Unintentionally, a significant number of fish end up as bycatch in shrimp fishery. The "MiniFisch" project aims to investigate how the proportion of fish can be minimized. A special flow funnel is being tested, which is designed to allow fish to escape from the net. The research project began in August of this year, with the first test catches scheduled for September. Financed by the EU and the state of Schleswig-Holstein, the project will run until July 2025.

Habitat Mapping

Development and application of underwater video and multibeam sonar technology for habitat assessment in the subtidal as well as aerial imaging using drones for detecting habitat structures on intertidal flats.

Collaboration with the Helmholtz Centre Hereon, Geesthacht (formerly GKSS Research Centre) and the company Kongsberg Maritime: Deployment and further development of state-of-the-art technology in the field of hydroacoustic and optical remote sensing methods.

Fish Monitoring

Since 1991, occurrence and distribution of fish in the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea are annually examined in August. The main focus of the fish monitoring is on pelagic species. Until 2019, a stow net was used for research fishing. Since 2020, a pelagic trawl net has been employed, specifically developed for conditions in the Wadden Sea areas. The research areas are located in the southern part off Büsum, as well as in North Frisia in the Hörnum deep.

Nature Protection

Fishery and nature protection:

Contracts for the National Parks of Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea, for the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat (CWSS) as well as for the shrimp and mussel fishery.


Certification processes according to the MSC standard:

Project manager for the common MSC-certification of the German, Dutch and Danish shrimp fishery.


Fish Protection:

Development, installation, and monitoring of fish protection systems for industrial companies' cooling water intake along rivers and in coastal areas.

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