MiniFish - First results

(Status: January 2025)


Significant reduction of fish in the bycatch


The set-up of the current funnel and net was gradually optimised from September 2023 to October 2024. It was possible to significantly reduce the proportion of fish in the bycatch. The effect was already visible in the unsorted catch, and the data analysis showed a significant reduction of 57 per cent on average. The effect of the current funnel on the proportion of edible shrimp in the catch, on the other hand, is less clearly visible and calculable. The catch data shows strong fluctuations: sometimes there are fewer, sometimes just as many and sometimes more edible shrimp in the codend. The main reason for these fluctuations is the fact that shrimp catches were unusually low in 2024.


Unusual and difficult conditions in the Wadden Sea


In 2024, the Wadden Sea once again put its uniqueness on display and showed everyone involved its limits with an unprecedented whiting invasion - shrimp fishermen and researchers alike. It can be assumed that the massive feeding pressure from the whiting (Merlangius merlangus) played a decisive role in the collapse of the brown shrimp population. Catch yields and the mood of the shrimp fishermen were at a low point at the end of the 2024 fishing season, which was hardly thought possible after coronavirus and the subsequent general price increases.


From a project perspective, there was at least one positive aspect: fish are needed to investigate the reduction in fish bycatch. As can be seen in the picture on the left, these were actually available in abundance and contributed to the good results described above.



Fishermen wanted for research


The studies planned for 2025 are intended to review and hopefully confirm the good results of the fish bycatch. At the same time, the important question of the effect of the current funnel on the edible shrimp will be investigated. Here, too, the aim is to improve the data situation and, if necessary, to minimise the loss of edible shrimp in the catch by fine-tuning the flow funnel. "Normal" shrimp catches without whiting and the co-operation of the crab fishermen are prerequisites for the successful completion of the project.


The results achieved so far have been realised with the significant cooperation of the Büsum shrimp fishermen Jan and Rainer Möller on the "Maret" (SC 14). For the final phase of the project, we are looking for other interested and committed fishermen who would like to actively participate in this research project. The current funnel and the installation expertise will be provided free of charge. The task and support for the research project consists of the participating fishermen logging their catches in the period from May to July, whereby catch data from the starboard and port sides must be recorded separately. The exact procedure and the type of logging will be individually adapted to the conditions on board and agreed with the fisherman.


Interested parties are welcome to contact us directly by e-mail at<> or



Flow funnel sewn in the shrimp net Flow funnel sewn in the shrimp net
Net with flow funnel comes on board Net with flow funnel comes on board
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